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Champion Your Machine

Our world-class spark plugs will keep your machine fine-tuned all year long. From automotive, lawn & garden, marine to power sport, industrial and performance spark plugs, Champion® has you covered.

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Maintenance Articles

Explore our full collection of maintenance articles to help you Champion your vehicle.


Car Battery Troubleshooting Guide

If your car repeatedly doesn’t start, it’s time to get to the bottom of the issue rather than calling the tow truck again for a jump. You might be tempted to run out and buy a new battery, but are you sure that the battery is the problem?


How To Change Your Oil

Changing your vehicle’s oil and oil filter is key to keeping your vehicle running at peak performance. So don’t wait for your oil light to come on; following a routine maintenance program will keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come.


Lawn Mower Repair

The air is warmer, the grass is growing, and you're stuck at home – time to break out the lawn mower. Unlike your car, your lawn mower and other lawn and garden equipment are not used regularly and the time spent sitting in storage can lead to problems with them running properly.